Codebreakers Week

This week saw us delve into to the world of computer programming.

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The children needed to use all their knowledge and coding skills to complete challenges set for their class both on and off devices.

On the chromebooks…

Key Stage 1 took on a maze challenge, where they had to programme a set of directional instructions to navigate their character through progressively more complicated mazes. Some even got onto designing and creating their own mazes to challenge their friends with!

Year 3 and 4 used drag and drop programming to create their own versions of the popular ‘Flappy Bird’ game, changing design elements and control functions along the way. I think my favourite was ‘swimmy shark’!

Year 5 and 6 children built their very own 3D Mario game, while learning the basics of programming. They learned about the fundamentals of game development; formed an understanding of motion in 3D space and learned to add scores, lives and cool sound effects to their game.

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Year 5 also created some amazing animated poems.

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