School Vision

Enjoy, Believe, Achieve: Our shared vision 

Our vision here at Adswood Primary is for all children toEnjoy, Believe and Achieve’.

Underpinning our vision, our aim is for children to foster a love of learning that empowers them to be resilient and independent learners equipping them for a life long learning journey'.


We are continually developing a more innovative and personalised approach to the curriculum with a focus on our children enjoying, believing and achieving. We are committed to achieving this vision by:

  • Providing an environment where children feel happy, safe and secure
  • Providing a programme of work ensuring a broad, balanced, inclusive curriculum which engages learners
  • Providing opportunities for learners to foster an enquired mind with the ability to question, choose, evaluate
  • Providing an inclusive curriculum to ensure learners achieve their full potential
  • Providing an awareness of moral, social and religious values
  • Providing learners with the skills to equip them for their next stage of education and adult life
  • Providing a learning and professional platform for collaborative learning for all staff and students
  • Providing a partnership with all stakeholders






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