
School Inclusion Statement

Our curriculum and universal provision aim to enable all learners to achieve. The school works collaboratively to equip all learners with the belief, knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in the next stage of life. Support aims to develop independence; targets are ambitious and emotional well-being and enjoyment are paramount.

Welcome to our Inclusion Team


Richard Clarke

Care & Pastoral Manager





Tracey Hester

Behaviour Mentor


Sarah Gee

SEND & Inclusion Co-ordinator

One of the important roles of the Inclusion team is to ensure children at Adswood Primary School have high levels of attendance that support their educational, personal and social development.

The Inclusion Team work closely with children, families and the community to encourage, support and promote high attendance within school.  We help to identify the factors and barriers that maybe be impacting on a child’s attendance which range from parental anxiety, family functioning, a child’s attitude to education or illness.  We work collaboratively with families and where required seek support from external agencies e.g. Educational Welfare Officer or School Age Plus Workers.  Interventions are then planned and delivered in school. This can range from greeting children and families in the morning, home visits, additional rewards and recognition or parent/carer emotional support amongst others.

Please see our Attendance Policy.

Parental/Carer Support
The welfare, health and education of both the children and their families are of upmost importance to us.   We support and offer guidance on a range of issues and where appropriate will make referrals to external agencies e.g. Parenting, Stockport Without Abuse, Young Carers and more.  An open door policy within the Inclusion Team enables parents/carers to have access to support before and after school as well as during the school day. Parents/carers are given support around their child’s welfare, physical and mental health, relationships and behaviours, as well as family social factors e.g. food vouchers and family breakdowns.

The school and Inclusion Team recognise that parenting children is an extremely demanding and emotional role and we offer a non-judgemental approach to the support required and concerns raised, we will seek to offer a helping hand in times of need and during difficult periods.

Early help
When necessary the Inclusion Team will help parents /carers identify where additional support maybe required through the completion of an Early Help Assessment (EHA) or through ongoing engagement with a family.  In this instance we will endeavour to find the best possible support and intervention for families, both internally and externally prior to the need for social services involvement.  When social service are required to support the family and in some cases the school, we will work with openness, honesty and with a desire to help families to succeed.  This may be achieved through the Team Around the Child (TAC) or Team around the School (TAS) meetings. 

It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning, as well as their physical and mental health and their mental wellbeing in adulthood.  Inclusion and Pastoral support and interventions within the school targets those children that require additional emotional health and well-being input.  The children may require long term support such as those identified as having special educational needs under the category of Social, Emotional and Mental health or short term input where life events or circumstances are having a detrimental impact on their well-being.  The Inclusion team can also refer to Primary Jigsaw or a Beacon Counselling Emotional Wellbeing Worker - external agencies that support children with their emotional wellbeing and work collaboratively with parents/carers.

Pastoral interventions are delivered to children within a safe, fun and caring time in which they experience empathy and acceptance.  A safe and trusting relationship ensures they can share and explore their emotions, thoughts, behaviours, beliefs and attitudes without fear of judgement.   This is achieved through fun and play within sessions that also develops their emotional well-being, supports the process of change, encourages a willingness and challenges those factors that are detrimental to their development.  Empathy expressed from the Inclusion team and school enables the children to gain a greater understanding of their inner world and in turn help them to understand others.

Children who require additional support are given the opportunity to ‘check-in’ during the school day to address any issues that may have arisen at home or within the school.   This ensures that they stay on track throughout the school day but also experience their needs being met in an appropriate way.

Interventions are completed both individually and within a group and can involve drama, role-plays, art, sport, cooking, play or support in the classroom.

The children will be supported in these cases to address a range of factors depending on their need to:

  • Develop a greater understanding of emotions
  • Establish healthy relationships with others
  • Resolve conflict restoratively with others
  • Manage any bereavement or loss e.g. Parental separation
  • Explore and share traumatic life events
  • Improve their social and communication skills
  • Encourage a positive self-esteem
  • Improve their behaviour and decision making
  • Achieve academic success
    Throughout this process the Inclusion Team will work closely with parents/carers to achieve the best outcomes for the children.  We communicate the need for interventions and share any feedback and outcomes from sessions.  When required, we will try to educate parents/carers on the emotional well-being needs of the children to ensure that any needs are met appropriately outside of school.

Please see our Wellbeing Policy.

The Inclusion Team operates consistently with a number of school policies to ensure that the social and emotional needs of the individual children are met.  Through brief or prolonged interventions, further opportunities for learning through topics within PSHE and citizenship curriculum are achieved.  The children are given opportunities at a personal and individual level to explore their  experiences, relationships, emotions, values, beliefs and attitudes and gain insight into the lives of others.   Safety in all aspects of life is also promoted and encouraged both within school and the community.  Such support and learning may occur during planned interventions, when managing conflict between peers or after personal information is shared from children during the teaching of the subjects within class that is felt to require further input.

Additionally the Restorative Approaches used within the school compliment and develop relationships, respect and amongst of factors the ability to solve and manage conflict with others positively.

Restorative approaches
The Inclusion Team play a significant role in ensuring that restorative approaches are used within the school to support the children to understand the benefits of working collaboratively and in harmony with others.  The Inclusion Team help children engage in restorative processes that help them to resolve conflict positively with others, act assertively to ensure that problems are solve correctly and to maintain positive relationships with children and staff at Adswood Primary school.

Please see our Restorative Policy.


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